Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Other Titles I Considered Before Choosing This One:

Clever Without Being Too Clever Title About Colonia

(too clever)

Colonia is in Uruguay, if you didn't know.

(not clever enough)

Titles Considered:

(too subtle in its self-referentiality)

I Think Ship is Becoming my Preferred Method of Travel

(too British)

I spent the day in Colonia. My friend and I rented
motorcycles and rode along the coast-- it was
beautiful. Hair flying, sunglasses on, I'm pretty
sure that's the coolest I've ever been. I'm pretty sure
that's the coolest I'll ever be. Ladies, take note.

(too self-aggrandizing/probably what I should have chosen)

1 comment:

  1. Curtis Lee,
    I am leaving this comment in a fit of utter desperation over being unable to contact you directly, on account of both your international frolicking and your choice of removing yourself from mainstream social networking. I highly respect both these choices however you now leave me no other option than to complain to you about them in this somewhat public setting. I am without a clear idea of when (if ever) you plan to return to the states, and if I will have a chance to see you upon hypothetical return. If not, I sincerely wish you the best of luck in all future endeavors and a long life filled with prosperity and happiness.

    Your (once? still?) very dear friend,
    S. Shay

    P.S. I just had to create a livejournal account in order to post this. If that's not friendship, than I don't know what is.
    P.P.S. You never even told me you had a blog. Jerk.
    P.P.P.S... I found out anyway. I have truly enjoyed your colorful writing and hearing about all your adventures. And I would have gone with the "Clever without being too clever" title.
